Interaction Design Examples

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Custom Publishing Tool

For this custom publishing tool where users can build their own textbook by selecting chapters from many textbooks in the Pearson catalog, we were able to create interactive experiences that solved users problems.

Just-in-time help hints

We knew that some users were instructors who would only use the tool once a semester. Rather than showing a coach marks tour that interferes with their experience, we provided role-based help hints (see “adding content” dialog box below) at each step that reminded them what to do next at each step.

Hints could be dismissed, or after the instructors used the tool twice, the help hints would disappear. They would only appear again if there were a gap of time before the user logged into the tool again.

Just in time help hints
Just in time help hints

After adding chapters to their book, the user sees a hint for the next step in the creation process – selecting a cover and print options.

Step Two Help
Step Two Help

Drag and Drop interactions

Animations for developers

Where we needed to, we created animation for our developers so it would be clear how interactions would work. After users assembled a list of chapters they wanted in their book, they were allowed to organize them in whatever order they wished.

After adding content to their book, users could hover to add new content anywhere in their list, or create parts between chapters.

Add content, part

In addition to drag and drop functionality to move chapters around in the book, we also allowed users to select a chapter or multiple chapters and move them around in the list. This helped with long lists of chapters where users would need to scroll past the viewport.

Drag and Drop and contextual moving tools
Drag and Drop and contextual moving tools
Selecting two chapters and deciding where to place them